Contact Joseph Bentz to schedule a speaking engagement.
Joseph recently gave the keynote speech called “The Power of Words” for the Aspiring Writers’ Forum Writers Conference in California.
Joseph Bentz speaks at churches, writers conferences, scholarly conferences, and other venues. He specializes in topics related to his books and issues of writing and literature.
Sample Topics Related to Books Include:
- The Promise and Frustration of Waiting (When God Takes Too Long)
- The Ways God Reaches People Who Least Expect Him (God in Pursuit)
- The Meanings of Silence (Silent God)
- From Storytelling to Dirt: Surprising Sources of Redemption Throughout the Universe (Nothing is Wasted)
Sample Topics Related to Writing Include:

- Developing a Writer’s Voice
- Confronting the 3 Big Lies of Writing
- Writing the Book Review: An Open Door Into Magazine Markets
- What Fiction Writers Can (and Cannot) Learn from the Literary Classics
What Audiences Have Said:
“You are a gifted writer, a great teacher and even more importantly, you have the heart of a servant. Thanks for investing the time in all of us.” R.K.
“Thank you so much for your expertise given so beautifully.” W.W.
“I truly appreciated your insights.” M.F.
“The morning mentoring critique was invaluable (Joe Bentz was great!).” Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference attendee
“Joseph Bentz was one of the most valuable people at the conference for me.” Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference attendee